The Blog

Albert Einstein once said, "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."

NPS INR’s Grade 8 is proud to say that we have stayed true to this. Amidst the hard times of the pandemic, we, the team of eighth-graders, have created our very own blog, Sapience. 

Sapience means wisdom, sagacity. We hope to spread words of the wise on here!

This is our small way of contributing to our community of students, who have kept their heads held high amongst the current misery. We have truly reached out, reached high, and reached beyond. 

Every month, we'll be publishing posts on this very blog. Do stay tuned for more! Our blog will contain various infographics, short stories, and articles dedicated to special days being celebrated that month!

If you have any feedback or would like to be featured in one of the upcoming articles, you can comment on one of our posts, with your email address and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Leave your feedback, suggestions, and requests in the comments section!

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Stay safe and always remember that there is yet hope!